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with a bonus of one year additional on-demand streaming access (until July 22, 2021).
Options to Attend
Onsite Attendance
Conference: July 20-21
Workshop: July 22
Virtual Attendance
Conference: July 20-21
Stream and participate in real-time from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office.
We are live streaming all sessions. Each live session allows for real-time interaction with the speakers, CoVID-19 experts & virtual attendees from around the world.
NSSSC Conference Travel
SyllabusX’s highest priority is the safety of our events’ attendees and our employees. We are acting on the most up-to-date information and advice.…more
Registration Type | Virtual Attendee |
Onsite Attendee |
Academic, Nonprofit & Government Organizations: Conference Only | $585 | $860 |
Academic, Nonprofit & Government Organizations: Conference & Workshop | $750 | $1,125 |
Conference Documentation | $585 | $660 |
Group Registration Discount
Complimentary Registrations are available for groups of three or more attendees from the same organization.Complimentary Registrations
- Small Team (4 Registrations Total) 3 Registrations +1 Free
- Medium Team (7 Registrations Total) 5 Registrations + 2 Free
- Large Team (10 Registrations Total) 7 Registrations + 3 Free
How to redeem
Teams who want to redeem the group discount must have one representative to register the team at the same time. Please email upon submission of the group registration form to redeem the group discount.from the comfort and convenience of your own home or school.
Forty education leaders and experts share their vision for how schools can prepare for a second wave of the Coronavirus that could hit next winter and it could be worse because it will coincide with flu season.
Save your spot today!
You will learn:
- Learn How to Address All Four Phases of COVID-19 School Planning
- Learn How to Prepare for the ‘Second Wave’
- Learn the Lessons from the Current pandemic
- Join Interactive Q&As. Download Relevant Content. Chat online with Experts, and more!
Plus, On-Demand Streaming with a bonus of one year additional on-demand streaming access (until July 22, 2021).
Other topics include:
- Emergency Planning: Addressing All Four Phases of COVID-19 School Planning
- Post-First-Wave and Possible Second Wave Planning: A Component in Existing Emergency Management Plans
- Community Spread: What is the Role of Schools in Responding to a Community Spread?
- School Closure: Effects to Your Organization and Community
- Lessons from the current Pandemic
- Expand Prevention: Action Steps to Prevent the Spread of CoVID-19
- Response: Building a School-Based Crisis Team
- School-Based: Identifying Audiences and Key Messages
- Real Cases: Characteristics of a Possible Second Wave
- Recovery: Working with Stakeholders
- Continuity of Learning: Keeping the Learning Process Alive
- What to do During an Outbreak in Your Community?
- Getting Your School Ready for a Possible Second Wave
- How to Encourage Students to Stay Home if Sick
- Best Practices for Disinfecting Frequently Touched Surfaces and Objects in the Classroom
- Digital and Distance Learning
- When Students and Staff Should Return to Schools
- Ensuring Continuity of Meal Programs.
- Alternatives for Providing Essential Medical and Social Services for Students.
- How to Develop information-sharing Systems with Partners.
- Teaching and Reinforcing Healthy Hygiene Practices.
- Monitoring and Planning for Absenteeism.
- Assessing Group Gatherings and Events.
- Postponing Non-critical Gatherings and Events.
- Requiring Sick Students and Staff to Stay Home.
- Establish procedures for students and staff who are sick at school.
- Create and Test Communications Plans for Use with the School Community.
- What to do When a Confirmed Case has Entered a School?
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Implementing Multiple Social Distancing Strategies.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Canceling Field Trips, Assemblies, and Other Large Gatherings.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Dismissing Students and Most Staff.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Communicate with staff, parents, and students
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Clean and Disinfect thoroughly.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Make decisions about extending the school dismissal.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Collaboration and Coordination with Local Health Officials
Registration Type | Virtual Attendee |
Onsite Attendee |
Academic, Nonprofit & Government Organizations: Conference Only | $585 | $860 |
Academic, Nonprofit & Government Organizations: Conference & Workshop | $750 | $1,125 |
Conference Documentation | $585 | $660 |
Group Registration Discount
Complimentary Registrations are available for groups of three or more attendees from the same organization.Complimentary Registrations
- Small Team (4 Registrations Total) 3 Registrations +1 Free
- Medium Team (7 Registrations Total) 5 Registrations + 2 Free
- Large Team (10 Registrations Total) 7 Registrations + 3 Free
How to redeem
Teams who want to redeem the group discount must have one representative to register the team at the same time. Please email upon submission of the group registration form to redeem the group discount.-
04:30 - 08:30
Add to Calendar 04/19/2022 04:30 04/19/2022 08:30 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2022 Pre-registration Orlando, FLWe accept Purchase Orders
09:00 - 09:05
Add to Calendar 04/20/2022 09:00 04/20/2022 09:05 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety and Security Conference & Workshop Welcome Remarks Orlando, FLWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:05 - 09:15
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 09:05 07/20/2020 09:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Sponsor’s Note Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:15 - 10:00
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 09:15 07/20/2020 10:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Coronavirus School Planning with Heartware, Hardware and Health Concerns: The New Comprehensive Approach to Student Safety & Security Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:00 - 10:45
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 10:00 07/20/2020 10:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Lessons Learned from the National Police Foundation’s Averted School Violence database Las VegasDirector of the Center for Mass Violence Response StudiesA 30-year veteran of law enforcement, Dr. Frank Straub currently serves as the Director of the Center for Mass Violence Response Studies at the Police Foundation, where he works on Critical Incident Reviews including the San Bernardino terrorist attack–and the resulting report Bringing Calm to Chaos–and the Orlando Pulse shooting (in progress). Dr. Straub last served as the Chief of the Spokane, Washington, Police Department, where he received national recognition for the major reforms, community policing programs he implemented and significant crime reductions achieved during his tenure. In Spokane, Dr. Straub mandated that all members of the department receive 40-hours of crisis intervention training, and he created a team of officers who received over 100 hours of specialized mental health training. As Director of Public Safety for the City of Indianapolis, Dr. Straub collaborated with Eskanazi Medical Center’s Prescription for Hope Program, assigning a team of police officers to the program, which focused on reducing youth violence and retaliation through hospital-based interventions. During his tenure, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department reduced homicides to the lowest level in 20 years. Dr. Straub has also served as the Public Safety Commissioner for the City of White Plains, New York where his department reduced serious crime by 40%. He established the first police-community mental health response team in Westchester County to proactively assist persons challenged by mental illness, homelessness and domestic violence. Dr. Straub previously served as the Deputy Commissioner of Training for the New York City Police Department; and as a federal agent. He holds a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice, from the City University of New York’s Graduate Center, an M.A. in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a B.A. in Psychology from St. John’s University. He co-authored a book on performance-based police management and published several articles regarding community policing, police reform, and jail management.We accept Purchase Orders10:30 - 11:00
Add to Calendar 10:30 11:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2022 Coffee Break Orlando, FLWe accept Purchase Orders11:00 - 11:30
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 11:00 07/20/2020 11:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Solutions for addressing the changing trends of school violence in America Las VegasBobby Kipper is recognized as a national expert and best-selling author in the areas of school and community safety. He currently serves as the executive director of the National Center for Prevention of Community Violence. In addition, he is a school safety and discipline specialist with the Virginia Department of Education. Mr. Kipper served 26 years in police service in Newport News Virginia and was active as a school resource officer and school police supervisor.
Bobby Kipper began his career with the Newport News Police Department in 1977. During his 26-year career, he served in the areas of patrol, investigations, media relations, and as executive assistant to the Chief of Police. Following his decorated 26 years’ service with the department, he served as the director of Virginia’s Gang Reduction Program at the Office of the Attorney General.
His expertise in the area of community and school violence prevention has been recognized by the White House, Congress, and a number of states across America. His best-selling book, “No Colors: 100 Ways to Keep Gangs from Taking Away Our Communities,” has been instrumental in developing gang reduction programs in communities across America.
His continued efforts in communities and policing have combined in his newest book released in January 2017. He teamed up with Virginia Tech professor Dr. Scott Geller which implemented Actively Caring for People (AC4P) after the Virginia Tech tragedy to promote healing and create a positive cultural change using behavioral science. Mr. Kipper worked with Dr. Geller to adapt the AC4P concept to law enforcement. This concept became a book; “Actively Caring for People Policing: Building Positive Police/Citizen Relationships.” This book is meant to work with current community policing programs using proven behavioral science methods to cultivate a more positive role in and with their communities.
In addition, he has developed and presented a number of courses with the University of North Florida, Institute of Police Technology and Management; University of Memphis, Mid-South Training Institute; and the International Association of Chiefs of Police in the key areas of prevention and organizational leadership. His current best-selling book, “Performance Driven Thinking,” is serving as a new direction for public safety leadership in America.
Bobby has been awarded with the F.B.I. Director’s Award for the fight against crime in America. In addition, during his police career he was recognized on three separate occasions with the Outstanding Contribution to Law Enforcement Award.- New opportunities for cyber existence
- Online learning creates more students in cyberspace
- Online learning also opens the market for new users “rookies online”
- Virtual learning can create the ease for cyber navigation
- Students can now experience an increase in down time “too much time on their hands”
- The impact of social isolation on cyberbullying
Social isolation can lead to:- Feelings of anxiety / bullies and victims
- Feelings of a loss of control / bullies and victims
- Feeling a need for power / bullies
- Fear of missing out / bullies and victims
- Covid-19 and increased targeting
- Placing blame on situation
- Targeting based on national dialog
- Targeting based on media divide
- Targeting Asian and foreign populations
- Targeting based on financial divide
- Seven strategies to address Covid-19 cyber bullying
- Close monitoring of cyber use “don’t be a cy-stander”
- More student cyber education
- Adult supervised social cyber gathering
- Provide more facts on current situation
- Report any known abuse of cyberspace
- Adult modeling of kindness and civility
- Plan activities away from the screen
We accept Purchase Orders11:30 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 11:30 07/20/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 School Reopening: Recover, Redesign, Restart Las VegasDr. James F. Lane was appointed Virginia’s 25th superintendent of public instruction by Governor Ralph S. Northam, effective June 1, 2018.
As state superintendent, Dr. Lane serves as the executive officer of the Virginia Department of Education, which is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. He also serves as secretary of the state Board of Education.
Prior to his appointment as the commonwealth’s chief school officer, Dr. Lane served as a division superintendent in Chesterfield County, Goochland County, and Middlesex County. He was recognized as the 2017 Virginia Superintendent of the Year for his leadership in Goochland County.
Dr. Lane was one of 100 superintendents in the nation selected to attend the 2014 ConnectEd Superintendents Summit at the White House in recognition of his leadership in the use of instructional technology by his schools.
In 2015, the national Data Quality Campaign awarded its annual Flashlight award to Goochland County in recognition of the division’s achievements under Lane’s leadership in using data to empower educators and communicate with parents and the public.
Dr. Lane holds a doctorate in education from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree in school administration from North Carolina State University, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in teaching from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Lane and his wife, Sarah, are the parents of two elementary school students in Chesterfield County.Recover, Redesign, Restart 2020 is a guiding document for Virginia school divisions developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and in preparation for schools reopening. It addresses all facets of school operations and includes key questions, embedded links to resources, and recommendations for school leaders within the reopening parameters set forth by our Governor. Hundreds of hours have been devoted to its creation by caring and committed stakeholders who understand the critical role schools have in a healthy community. This includes the Return to School Recovery Task Force, the Accreditation Task Force and the Continuity of Learning (C4L) Task Force. The guidance provided is designed to assist school divisions in developing successful reopening plans.We accept Purchase Orders12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calendar 12:00 01:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2022 Luncheon Orlando, FLWe accept Purchase Orders01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Multi-Disciplinary Behavioral Threat Assessment Processes and Follow-Through Las VegasDr. Lopez is currently the executive director of crisis and safety for Waukegan Public Schools. Prior to his current assignment, he worked as a school administrator for over five years. Robert has also enjoyed twenty-year career in law enforcement with assignments in patrol gang unit, investigations, SRO, D.A.R.E., and supervisory assignments including director of public safety.
Robert has published magazine articles in the area of school safety and has presented at both national and regional school safety conferences on the collaborative efforts of school and law enforcement personnel working together to create and implement school emergency management plans.The learning forum is based on my qualitative multiple case study doctoral research in the area of school emergency management readiness and the relationship between school administrators and law enforcement personnel, namely School Resource Officers (SROs). The participants in my study consisted of 3 school district level supervisors, 3 principals, 3 SRO supervisors, and 3 SROs.- The participant will analyze the current collaborative efforts between school and law enforcement personnel
- The participant will discuss and design areas of improving effective communication strategies and building trust within the interogation
- The participant will understand unconscious bias may affect the trust and relationship building process and to work through this dile
- The participants will leave with a better understanding of each other's missions, goals, and objectives in the school emergency management
- The participants will learn some tools to use in effective communication building within these interorganizational relationship
- The participants will gain a better understanding of conscious and unconsciuos bias and how to overcome these obstacles
We accept Purchase Orders01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 01:00 07/20/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Prepare Today for the Worst that Could Happen Tomorrow! It Happened to Us. Are You Ready? Las VegasThis is Kirk Carpenter’s 29th year in education, all of which have been spent with the Aztec Municipal School District. He is married to his best friend Teresa of 29 years, and though they have no children, they enjoy the company of their four dogs. Kirk was born and raised in Farmington, New Mexico and still lives there. He attended college at New Mexico Highlands University for my bachelor’s Degree in Special Education, with a Minor in History and received his Master’s degree in School Administration from New Mexico State University. While in the district, Kirk spent eight years as a teacher of special education and history. Coaching was also an important part of his career at Aztec High School. He spent six years coaching football and fourteen years in the baseball program, twelve of those were as a head coach. The last twenty one years have been spent in administration, including six years as an Assistant Principal, two in-a-half years as a Principal, and another two-in-a half as a Deputy Superintendent, and he is in his ninth year as the Superintendent. Mr. Carpenter served as the President of the New Mexico Superintendent’s Association, currently serves on the Board of the New Mexico Activity Association, New Mexico Coalition of Education Leaders, and is the President for the Board of the Cooperative Educational Services. In 2014, Mr. Carpenter received one of his highest honors in his educational career when his fellow Superintendents voted him as the New Mexico Superintendent of the Year. Kirk loves what he does and consider himself blessed to be able to serve children, because there is nothing more important than preparing them for their future.On December 7, 2017 evil came onto our campus and took two innocent lives and then his own. The incident lasted five minutes, but changed our community forever. The staff saved many lives that day because they reacted to years of purposeful practice, training, and the networking done with local emergency officials and law enforcement. Hear our story and what we learned through our experience.- Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of conducting purposeful drills and ensuring they’re done on a routine basis.
- Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of developing networks so best practices can be implemented to improve school safety.
- Participants will learn that school safety plans should include comprehensive exercises with law enforcement and other emergency services.
- Participants will understand how years of working with local Emergency Management and law enforcement saved lives on the day of our incident.
- Participants will learn that a culture of safety is not a destination, it is an on going journey that we must continually develop and refine.
- Participants will be able to identify, conduct and practice emergency drills more purposefully and effectively.
- Participants will be able to identify and list what agencies they need to collaborate with to make their safety plans more complete.
- Participants will be able to identify lead agencies in their communities that they need to partner with to make full scale drills more effective.
- Participants will take lessons learned from the events in Aztec and apply them to help improve their safety plans.
- Participants will be able to plan regular updates and meetings to continually update and adjust safety manuals on a regular basis.
We accept Purchase Orders01:30 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 01:30 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Recruitment to Violence: Targeting Socially Isolated and Vulnerable Students Online Las VegasDirector of the Center for Mass Violence Response StudiesDirectorWe accept Purchase Orders01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 01:45 07/21/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Electronic Access Control as Part of a Comprehensive Campus Violence/Active Shooter Program Las VegasI am a law enforcement and security professional with over 36 years of experience. I currently work at Saddleback College as a police operations lieutenant where I have served for the last 5 years. I served 29 years with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department (CA) where I retired as a lieutenant. During my service with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department I worked 11 years in SWAT, 3 years as a Chief of Police Services for the City of San Juan Capistrano and managed the Special Enforcement Bureau which included SWAT, Bomb Squad, Helicopters and Crisis Negotiations. I worked 2 years with the Los Angeles Dodgers where I worked as their Director of Security. I have also served as a Law Enforcement/Security consultant. I have worked with electronic access control for the past 5 years and participated in the development of project that will, when complete, include over approx. 1500 doors and 1400 users in a higher education/community college environment.We accept Purchase Orders01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 01:45 07/20/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Gunman in School Las VegasPolice Chief Paul Cordova joined the HISD Police Department as assistant chief in August 2017. A product of HISD and son of a retired HISD principal, Cordova will be tasked with providing general oversight of daily operations, as well asreviewing current policies and procedures, building relationships with surrounding law enforcement agencies, and focusing on the changing needs of school policing.
Cordova began his career in 1982, when he joined the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. There, he spent 32 years serving in almost every department — detentions, courts, inmate processing, transportation, records, patrol, warrants, criminal investigations, homeland security and emergency management — before retiring as senior captain.
He then joined the Rice University Police Department, where he spent three years as captain. During his tenure, he managed patrol operations, emergency dispatch operations, criminal investigations, special events, dignitary protection, accreditation, and training and background investigations. He also participated in a variety of community outreach programs designed to increase trust and understanding between police officers and the communities they serve. He also served on several university committees designed to enhance public safety for students, faculty, and staff members.
Cordova has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a master’s degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management from Sam Houston State University. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas Leadership Command College. He also is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the FBI National Academy Association, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, the Houston Area Chiefs of Police Organization, and serves on Mayor Sylvester Turner’s Commission Against Gun Violence under the School Safety, Community Safety, and Weapons Safety and Access subcommittees.We accept Purchase Orders02:30 - 03:00
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 02:30 07/20/2020 03:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Coffee Break Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 03:00 07/22/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Communicating the “school reentry” plan: Perception is Reality! Las VegasAfter a successful US Navy experience, Dr. Pritzl invested 25+ years as teacher, principal, and superintendent in K-12 schools. Dr. Pritzl has served as crisis response leader in three school districts. Dr. Pritzl holds the ASIS “gold standard” certification CPP (Certified Protection Professional) and works daily with multiple school districts planning school safety and security protocols and preparing for reaction to crisis. Dr. Pritzl is currently assisting school districts prepare for returning to school following the COVID-19 as a member of the SitelogIQ leadership team for COVID-19 response. SitelogIQ has partnered with FEMA grant writing experts with experience in the recent Hurricanes in Puerto Rico dating back to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to assist school districts in the cost capturing and funding. Dr. Pritzl has presented several times to multiple districts regarding the protocols of returning to school in the following areas: transportation, testing, social gathering areas, classroom distancing, lunchroom, recess, and athletic events. The SitelogIQ “return to school communication plan” has been receiving high praise from district leaders, and has been requested by the CDC as well as several state education departments as it offers effective suggestions while addressing the safety and political considerations.Mike Kozlowski, AIA SitelogIQ’s Director of Program Management, is a licensed Architect, LEED AP and a Professional Project Manager, who has 25 years of experience designing, master planning and managing complex K-12 and commercial construction projects and programs. In addition to direct design and construction experience Mike has managed the process of securing over $100m of state funding for school projects through the California Office of Public School Construction (OPSC). These projects each required careful planning, construction document preparation and the securing approval for construction through the California Department of Education (CDE), the CA Office of General Services Division of the State Architect (DSA) as well as local fire department approvals.
Mike has managed projects for national retailers, Oil companies and the largest school districts in the U.S. Mike successfully managed these large projects and programs that each required the most complex community, local agency, state and federal approval processes and multi-source funding strategies and some where these were all needed.
Mike has been deeply involved in his own community as the chair of a local school facilities bond measure election committee, as well as serving as an elected City Councilman. These experiences all add to his personal connection, perspective and wide ranging skills that are required to guide a school district through the complex process of developing a master plan. Successful Master plans, to truly serve the district’s community, will result in improved educational outcomes, reduce operating costs, and protect the safety, health and well being of staff and students. None of that can happen with out carefully balancing the need to gain voters direct support through a ballot initiative. Mike is as experienced as anyone in balancing these goals and achieving success in each area.Blake Peuse is the National Educational Strategist at SitelogIQ. He has over 25 years of industry experience and uses his vast experience to strategize high quality and aligned educational solutions for schools and municipalities. V Blake uses his experience in public education to help districts develop and implement long-range strategic facility plans and delivery of programs. He approaches every project with the intent to improve the learning experience and provide students the environment and tools needed for success.
Blake’s experience includes serving as a Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, and as a teacher at the PK-12 levels. As Superintendent of Schools for the St. Francis School District, he has collaboratively led the district to increased student outcomes, distributed leadership expectations, and continuous improvement modeling through AdvancED Accreditation. Prior to becoming Superintendent in St. Francis, Blake had the honor of serving as Superintendent of the Northern Ozaukee School District Principal at New Berlin West Middle/High School, known for exemplary student achievement, and Brown Deer Middle School, a recognized leader in closing achievement gaps. Blake’s strengths are his ability to foster collective and collaborative opportunities for the district, students, staff, and the community to ensure alignment with district goals and excellent outcomes for students.
Prior to joining SitelogIQ, Blake was a Senior Business Consultant at Unesco, Inc., a program management firm with a combined 1,300 years of planning, design, engineering and construction experience that has implemented over $1.2 billion in educational facility improvements for more than 100 K-12 school districts throughout the Upper Midwest.
Blake received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in Physical Education, Health, and Adaptive Physical education. He later received his Master of Arts from Marian University in Educational Leadership and his Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a Superintendent of Schools.Garrett J. Lewis currently serves as the Vice President of Business Development at SitelogIQ, Public Sector Division. In this role, Garrett works with the SitelogIQ Regional Business Development Directors, on go-to-market strategies and client engagement tactics. Additionally, Garrett leads the Public Sector marketing activities, public affairs and government relations initiatives.
Garrett joined SitelogIQ in 2015 to lead development efforts in the Pennsylvania public school market. He was influential in the development and refinement of hybrid construction methodologies, including the use of the Guaranteed Energy Savings Acts in combination with design-bid-build construction to accomplish public school renovation programs. Garrett was instrumental in the 2016 Statutory Amendment to the Pennsylvania Public Construction Code. This effort allowed Public Agencies across the state access to private-sector type methodologies such as, design-build method. In 2017, he transitioned to a Project Executive role, working to develop and support project delivery for more than $200 million of public K-12 school design and construction projects. In recognition of his contributions to the success and growth of the company, Garrett was promoted to Vice President of Hybrid Construction Services at SitelogIQ East in 2019.
His efforts also include the expansion of SitelogIQ’s Master Facility Planning and Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Planning deliverables to the Pennsylvania Public School Market.
Garrett is a 2012 graduate of the University of Maryland – College Park.Position your district (and yourself) to thrive through the COVID crisis as you develop your return to school plan coupled with insightful communication tips and strategies. This presentation will offer proven insights to communicate your preparation plan including funding, mitigation strategies, and operational protocols so your stakeholders feel a sense of security & calmness as school reopens.- Understand the perceptions of the stakeholder as school leaders implement their "return to school" plan
- Review updated guidelines related to behavioral protocols upon reentry (busing, entryways, office, classrooms, cafeterias, etc.)
- Learn communication strategies related to specific mitigation technologies as referenced in school reentry plan
- Understand strategies to effectively communicate disaster relief funding and present an ongoing master plan to stakeholders
- Participants will learn effective strategies to understand the perceptions of the stakeholder as they continue planning for the "return to school."
- Participants will review updated guidelines related to behavioral protocols upon reentry (busing, entryways, office, classrooms, cafeterias, etc.)
- Participants will identify communication strategies related to specific mitigation technologies as referenced in school reentry plan
- Participants will learn strategies to effectively communicate disaster relief funding and present an ongoing master plan
We accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/20/2020 03:00 07/20/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 The Crossroads: School Safety, SEL, and Mental Health Las VegasTBCRobin LeClaire, Chief Academic Officer at the Indiana Department of Education has been working in public education for over a quarter of a century. As a classroom teacher for 14 years, she taught grades 1, 2, 4, and 5 in a diverse urban setting. She moved into administration and served as a Dean of Students for two years and principal for eight years. She has been with Department for two years. During her tenure in schools, she helped turn a failing school around and helped to close the achievement gap among underperforming student groups. In her current role she oversees Curriculum and Instruction, Social Emotional Behavioral Wellness, School Improvement, Leadership and Innovation, Special Education, School Safety, and Title Grants. Robin has presented nationally on improving school culture in order to raise student achievement and presents across the state on topics such as MTSS, Pushing for Proficiency and Bullying. Her goal as CAO for the Department is to provide educators with the high quality resources, guidance, professional development, and supports they need to be successful to serve the 1.2 million students in Indiana.We accept Purchase Orders
09:00 - 09:05
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 09:00 07/21/2020 09:05 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Welcome Remarks Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:05 - 09:45
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 09:05 07/21/2020 09:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Aztec High School Shooting: Lessons Learned Las VegasThis is Kirk Carpenter’s 29th year in education, all of which have been spent with the Aztec Municipal School District. He is married to his best friend Teresa of 29 years, and though they have no children, they enjoy the company of their four dogs. Kirk was born and raised in Farmington, New Mexico and still lives there. He attended college at New Mexico Highlands University for my bachelor’s Degree in Special Education, with a Minor in History and received his Master’s degree in School Administration from New Mexico State University. While in the district, Kirk spent eight years as a teacher of special education and history. Coaching was also an important part of his career at Aztec High School. He spent six years coaching football and fourteen years in the baseball program, twelve of those were as a head coach. The last twenty one years have been spent in administration, including six years as an Assistant Principal, two in-a-half years as a Principal, and another two-in-a half as a Deputy Superintendent, and he is in his ninth year as the Superintendent. Mr. Carpenter served as the President of the New Mexico Superintendent’s Association, currently serves on the Board of the New Mexico Activity Association, New Mexico Coalition of Education Leaders, and is the President for the Board of the Cooperative Educational Services. In 2014, Mr. Carpenter received one of his highest honors in his educational career when his fellow Superintendents voted him as the New Mexico Superintendent of the Year. Kirk loves what he does and consider himself blessed to be able to serve children, because there is nothing more important than preparing them for their future.We accept Purchase Orders09:45 - 10:15
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 09:45 07/21/2020 10:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 How School Climate Impacts Student Safety Las VegasDan is superintendent of schools in Eureka County, Nevada. Eureka has the highest 10-year graduation rate in the nation, the highest test scores in Nevada, the highest aggregate school climate scores in the state, and the highest college/military placement in the Nevada. Dan also serves on the Nevada Emergency Management Team, the Governor’s Educator Ethics Commission and the State Grants Commission. He has spoken in several states and at national conferences on how School Climate impacts Student Safety. In 2008 Dan was named Nevada’s Most Visionary Educator, in 2016 he was named Nevada’s FFA Star Administrator for his involvement in and support of student activities, and in 2019 he is receiving the national Gatekeeper Award for his advancement of student and staff safety. Dan grew up near a small town on a Reservation in Washington State, where his parents and grandparents had orchards and vineyards. He got his first college degree in engineering, and then in teaching Art and PE. Dan attended college on a track scholarship, and made the basketball team as a walk-on. “Coach Wold” taught art and PE, and coached basketball and track, for 24 years before moving into administration. He served as an assistant principal and athletic director for six years, a principal for five, a district director for two, and is in his third year as superintendent of schools. Dan does artwork on commission, and enjoys hiking and fishing. He also plays in a band that has been voted “Tahoe’s Favorite” for the last three years.Research has established that there are direct links between school climate, student and staff safety and student achievement. We will explore those links, and simple action steps we can all take that improve all three. Through this process, we will also look at why many traditional programs fail. Lastly, we will look at what student behaviors can signal alarm.- Participants will explore the links between climate, safety and achievement.
- Participants will explore the causal relationships between climate, safety and achievement
- Participants will explore simple, proven action steps that improve climate, safety and achievement.
- Participants will be able to explain the links between climate, safety and achievement.
- Participants will be able to explain the causal relationships between climate, safety and achievement.
- Participants will leave with simple, proven action steps that improve climate, safety and achievement.
We accept Purchase Orders10:30 - 10:45
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 10:30 07/21/2020 10:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Coffee Break Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders10:45 - 11:15
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 10:45 07/21/2020 11:15 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Digital and Distance Learning during COVID-19 Las VegasNorth Carolina State Superintendent Mark Johnson was elected to lead the state’s public schools in 2016. His career in education began as a teacher at West Charlotte High School, and he later served as a member of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education.
Johnson believes that we must give all students a great start and a navigable path to success. His priorities include early childhood education – making sure students are ready to start kindergarten and can read proficiently by the end of third grade; and career pathways to success – ensuring students understand early that there are many ways to be successful in the 21st Century, and whether their choice is a four-year degree, a two-year degree, military service, or a post-secondary technical training program, our schools must help prepare them to reach their American Dream.
To deliver the education our students deserve, Johnson is transforming the state’s education agency to respond better to the needs of parents, students and educators. State leaders must foster innovative solutions to attack persistent problems faced by students and teachers in our current system. We must support students and parents by updating our curriculum standards so that they make sense to parents and educators and promote progress for students. We must move away from high-stakes standardized testing and toward a system that provides accountability for students and educators while maximizing instructional time and minimizing lengthy summative tests.
Another priority for Johnson is school safety. He has worked with the legislature to increase funding for school resource officers and mental-health personnel so that one student’s challenges do not become a schoolwide tragedy.
Mark Johnson is not only an education leader and former teacher, but he is also a father of a daughter in one of North Carolina’s public elementary schools, making improving education in North Carolina a personal mission for him.We accept Purchase Orders11:15 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 11:15 07/21/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 The “Why” Behind Violence in our Schools Today Las VegasArvinder “Vinny” Ginda is affiliated with Emotional Intelligence LLC and has been conducting research on emotional intelligence for the past ten years. Along the way he has developed and presented several training courses domestically and internationally. Courses such as Effective Communications, Critical Decision Making When it Counts, How to Increase your Emotional Intelligence during a Crisis. Conflicting Conversations, etc. Also, Supervisory Special Agent Arvinder “Vinny” Ginda is currently assigned to the Sacramento FBI Office located in Sacramento, CA and is a member of the FBI Hostage Negotiation Team. He speaks four languages (Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and English) and graduated from Sacramento State University with Bachelors in Psychology, Associates Degree in Social and Behavioral Science, and Associates Degree in Criminal Justice. Vinny has experience in Domestic and International Kidnappings and also in handling hostage situations within the United States. He has taught hostage negotiations courses in the United States and several foreign countries and has traveled all over the Middle East, South East Asia, and most of North Africa conducting work related to his current professionDuring the presentation, participants will learn about research conducted in an effort to explain current adolescent behavior which often leads to anxiety, social anxiety, depression, suicide, video game addiction, attention deficit disorder and active shooter situations in schools. Participants will also learn about the possible solution that can assist students, teachers, and parents.- Understand the impact of technology on the developing brain; how it hinders learning basic coping skills that are needed to resolve everyday problems.
- Teachers will learn what skills can be applied and taught to students to assist them learning to self manage their emotions.
- Participants will learn a decision making model that can assist everyone with better decision making during difficult situations.
- Participants will learn better emotional regulation and self control in any situation.
- Participants will learn techniques how to minimize addictions.
- Participants will have a better understanding of the developing brain which will assist them how to alter their engagements for better results.
- Participants will be able to better understand, explain and apply the importance of emotional regulation.
- Participants be able to better understand and mitigate an individual who is in a state of crisis.
- Participants will be able to learn a simple decision making model which will allow them to make responsible decisions in any situations
- Participants will learn the value of effective conversations and how to influence those they are communicating with.
We accept Purchase Orders12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 12:00 07/21/2020 01:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Luncheon Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 01:00 07/21/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Social Media & Youth: Threats and Solutions Las VegasClayton Cranford is a Sergeant in a Southern California law enforcement agency and owner of Total Safety Solutions LLC. Clayton is one of the nation’s leading law enforcement educators on social media, child safety, and behavioral threat assessments. Clayton is the author of the definitive book on cyber safety for families, “Parenting in the Digital World.” He has also authored several articles for the Journal of School Safety and wrote the National School Resources Officer’s manual on Internet safety and cyber crimes.
He created Cyber Safety Cop, a comprehensive Internet, and social media safety program. It teaches parents and students how to avoid online threats, such as cyberbullying, online predators, pornography, and social media addiction.
He has served as a member of the Orange County School Threat Assessment Team, School Resource Officer, and Crisis Negotiation Team. He has investigated threats, weapon possession, and violent crimes in K-12 schools throughout Orange County, California.Social Media & Youth: Threats and Solutions first explains the current technology and applications our youth are using to access the Internet and social media networks. Secondly, cyberbullying and other online threats are defined with current trends and real-world examples that Clay Cranford has investigated in schools. Lastly, participants will be given tools and an action plan that they can immediately begin using to help keep their children and students safe online at home and at school.We accept Purchase Orders01:00 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 01:00 07/21/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Taking Control: Revealing the Secrets of Surviving Life-Threatening Events Las VegasDr. Sean Lawler earned his Doctor of Management Degree within the field of Homeland Security Studies from Colorado Technical University. Dr. Lawler is also a 1992 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, where he studied engineering, political science, and national security studies, and he is a graduate of Strayer University where he earned a Master of Science Degree in Business Administration. Dr. Lawler’s doctoral research and dissertation study focused upon strategies for the disruption of an active shooter event or terrorist attack upon an American school or church.
Dr. Lawler is currently a Supervisory Special Agent with the US Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration. As the chief of the DEA’s Aviation Division Training Department, Special Agent Lawler oversees and directs all of his division’s training events worldwide. Special Agent Lawler also serves as a DEA Tactical Instructor, Firearms Instructor, Active Shooter Instructor, and Standardization Instructor Pilot. Additionally, Special Agent Lawler is a Nationally-Registered Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) and participates in DEA’s robust tactical medic program.
Prior to joining DEA, Dr. Lawler was a Major in the US Air Force where he served as a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Case Officer, a KC-10 Aircraft Commander, a Standardization Instructor Pilot in the T-34C, and a Combat Interrogator. Dr. Lawler is currently an Air Force Academy Liaison Officer (ALO) for the Dallas/Fort Worth area where he conducts interviews of prospective candidates during the Academy’s application process.
Dr. Lawler is a school board member of Bethesda Christian School in Fort Worth. Following the attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Bethesda Christian School formed a school security advisory committee—an action whichDr. Lawler had recommended taking two years before the attack occurred. Dr. Lawler was a founding member of this security committee and his recommendations have been a large part of Bethesda’s enhanced security posture. Dr. Lawler regularly conducts academic instruction for these teachers, federal employees, and civilian contract employees, as well as realistic scenario-based training exercises designed to deter, disrupt, and defeat any violent attack upon a school, church, or federal facility.Research indicated that a large percentage of the general population does not and will not respond effectively during a life-threatening event. However, an understanding of the neurological basis of the brain’s “fight or flight” response provides clues on how to avoid the resultant “freezing” behavior. Instead, a “challenge response” must be developed through the use of scenario-based training.- Learn the neurological basis of the physiological fear response
- Understand how perceptual distortions affect cognitive processes during life-threatening events
- Understand the necessity of realistic, scenario-based training
- Learn basic emergency medical techniques to stop massive bleeding and treat for hypoperfusion (shock)
- Eliminate attitudes of denial and instead create an optimum school safety climate and culture
- Explain the neurological basis of the body’s fear response
- Describe the perceptual distortions which are often experienced during periods of extreme stress
- Identify the components of effective staff security training
- Describe tactical medical procedures to stop massive bleeding and treat for hypoperfusion (shock)
- Describe what you can do to foster “buy-in” and eliminate attitudes of denial with regard to safety and security training
We accept Purchase Orders01:45 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 01:45 07/21/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Drills & Exercises using Best Practices Las VegasPolice Chief Paul Cordova joined the HISD Police Department as assistant chief in August 2017. A product of HISD and son of a retired HISD principal, Cordova will be tasked with providing general oversight of daily operations, as well asreviewing current policies and procedures, building relationships with surrounding law enforcement agencies, and focusing on the changing needs of school policing.
Cordova began his career in 1982, when he joined the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. There, he spent 32 years serving in almost every department — detentions, courts, inmate processing, transportation, records, patrol, warrants, criminal investigations, homeland security and emergency management — before retiring as senior captain.
He then joined the Rice University Police Department, where he spent three years as captain. During his tenure, he managed patrol operations, emergency dispatch operations, criminal investigations, special events, dignitary protection, accreditation, and training and background investigations. He also participated in a variety of community outreach programs designed to increase trust and understanding between police officers and the communities they serve. He also served on several university committees designed to enhance public safety for students, faculty, and staff members.
Cordova has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a master’s degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management from Sam Houston State University. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas Leadership Command College. He also is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the FBI National Academy Association, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, the Houston Area Chiefs of Police Organization, and serves on Mayor Sylvester Turner’s Commission Against Gun Violence under the School Safety, Community Safety, and Weapons Safety and Access subcommittees.We accept Purchase Orders02:30 - 03:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 02:30 07/21/2020 03:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Coffee Break Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 03:00 07/21/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 School Discipline Reform and Restorative Justice Practices Las VegasDr. Lopez is currently the executive director of crisis and safety for Waukegan Public Schools. Prior to his current assignment, he worked as a school administrator for over five years. Robert has also enjoyed twenty-year career in law enforcement with assignments in patrol gang unit, investigations, SRO, D.A.R.E., and supervisory assignments including director of public safety.
Robert has published magazine articles in the area of school safety and has presented at both national and regional school safety conferences on the collaborative efforts of school and law enforcement personnel working together to create and implement school emergency management plans.We accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 03:00 07/21/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 School Discipline Reform and Restorative Justice Practices Las VegasTBCWe accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 03:00 07/21/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 SRO’s are from Mars, Principals are from Venus: Merging the Two Worlds Las VegasJohn Calvert graduated Washburn University (Topeka, KS) in 2006 with a degree in Criminal Justice. John was the School Resource Officer for Holton, Jackson Heights, and Royal Valley school districts. After a 12 year career in Law Enforcement, John accepted a position with Kansas State Department of Education as the School Safety Specialist. John has written for Safe and Civil Schools, has presented all over the state of Kansas over a variety of school safety issues, and is a 2016 National Association of School Resource Officer’s recipient of the NASRO Practitioner Award. John is a strong believer that nothing can change without building positive relationships and believes that change in our schools should be student lead.In this session, participants will learn how empowering staff members and students to make decisions in stressful situations can improve the climate of the school. Participants will also review the importance of conducting a variety of drills and a new way to approach crisis drills.- Empower educators to make decisions during a crisis
- Conduct drills in schools differently than the "way we've always done it"
- Expand the types of drills conducted
- Empower educators to make decisions during a crisis
- Conduct drills in schools differently than the "Way we've always done it"
- Expand the types of drills conducted
We accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 03:00 07/21/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 SRO’s are from Mars, Principals are from Venus: Merging the Two Worlds Las VegasIn this session, participants will learn how empowering staff members and students to make decisions in stressful situations can improve the climate of the school. Participants will also review the importance of conducting a variety of drills and a new way to approach crisis drills.- Empower educators to make decisions during a crisis
- Conduct drills in schools differently than the "way we've always done it"
- Expand the types of drills conducted
- Empower educators to make decisions during a crisis
- Conduct drills in schools differently than the "Way we've always done it"
- Expand the types of drills conducted
We accept Purchase Orders03:00 - 04:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 03:00 07/21/2020 04:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Behavioral Threat Assessment: Understanding and Preventing School Violence Las VegasClayton Cranford is a Sergeant in a Southern California law enforcement agency and owner of Total Safety Solutions LLC. Clayton is one of the nation’s leading law enforcement educators on social media, child safety, and behavioral threat assessments. Clayton is the author of the definitive book on cyber safety for families, “Parenting in the Digital World.” He has also authored several articles for the Journal of School Safety and wrote the National School Resources Officer’s manual on Internet safety and cyber crimes.
He created Cyber Safety Cop, a comprehensive Internet, and social media safety program. It teaches parents and students how to avoid online threats, such as cyberbullying, online predators, pornography, and social media addiction.
He has served as a member of the Orange County School Threat Assessment Team, School Resource Officer, and Crisis Negotiation Team. He has investigated threats, weapon possession, and violent crimes in K-12 schools throughout Orange County, California.Social Media & Youth: Threats and Solutions first explains the current technology and applications our youth are using to access the Internet and social media networks. Secondly, cyberbullying and other online threats are defined with current trends and real-world examples that Clay Cranford has investigated in schools. Lastly, participants will be given tools and an action plan that they can immediately begin using to help keep their children and students safe online at home and at school.We accept Purchase Orders
09:00 - 09:05
Add to Calendar 04/21/2022 09:00 04/21/2022 09:05 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2022 Welcome Remarks Orlando, FLWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:05 - 10:30
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 09:05 07/22/2020 10:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Using your Strategic Plan to enhance safe, secure and healthy environments for the NEXT pandemic Las VegasAfter a successful US Navy experience, Dr. Pritzl invested 25+ years as teacher, principal, and superintendent in K-12 schools. Dr. Pritzl has served as crisis response leader in three school districts. Dr. Pritzl holds the ASIS “gold standard” certification CPP (Certified Protection Professional) and works daily with multiple school districts planning school safety and security protocols and preparing for reaction to crisis. Dr. Pritzl is currently assisting school districts prepare for returning to school following the COVID-19 as a member of the SitelogIQ leadership team for COVID-19 response. SitelogIQ has partnered with FEMA grant writing experts with experience in the recent Hurricanes in Puerto Rico dating back to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to assist school districts in the cost capturing and funding. Dr. Pritzl has presented several times to multiple districts regarding the protocols of returning to school in the following areas: transportation, testing, social gathering areas, classroom distancing, lunchroom, recess, and athletic events. The SitelogIQ “return to school communication plan” has been receiving high praise from district leaders, and has been requested by the CDC as well as several state education departments as it offers effective suggestions while addressing the safety and political considerations.Mike Kozlowski, AIA SitelogIQ’s Director of Program Management, is a licensed Architect, LEED AP and a Professional Project Manager, who has 25 years of experience designing, master planning and managing complex K-12 and commercial construction projects and programs. In addition to direct design and construction experience Mike has managed the process of securing over $100m of state funding for school projects through the California Office of Public School Construction (OPSC). These projects each required careful planning, construction document preparation and the securing approval for construction through the California Department of Education (CDE), the CA Office of General Services Division of the State Architect (DSA) as well as local fire department approvals.
Mike has managed projects for national retailers, Oil companies and the largest school districts in the U.S. Mike successfully managed these large projects and programs that each required the most complex community, local agency, state and federal approval processes and multi-source funding strategies and some where these were all needed.
Mike has been deeply involved in his own community as the chair of a local school facilities bond measure election committee, as well as serving as an elected City Councilman. These experiences all add to his personal connection, perspective and wide ranging skills that are required to guide a school district through the complex process of developing a master plan. Successful Master plans, to truly serve the district’s community, will result in improved educational outcomes, reduce operating costs, and protect the safety, health and well being of staff and students. None of that can happen with out carefully balancing the need to gain voters direct support through a ballot initiative. Mike is as experienced as anyone in balancing these goals and achieving success in each area.Blake Peuse is the National Educational Strategist at SitelogIQ. He has over 25 years of industry experience and uses his vast experience to strategize high quality and aligned educational solutions for schools and municipalities. V Blake uses his experience in public education to help districts develop and implement long-range strategic facility plans and delivery of programs. He approaches every project with the intent to improve the learning experience and provide students the environment and tools needed for success.
Blake’s experience includes serving as a Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, and as a teacher at the PK-12 levels. As Superintendent of Schools for the St. Francis School District, he has collaboratively led the district to increased student outcomes, distributed leadership expectations, and continuous improvement modeling through AdvancED Accreditation. Prior to becoming Superintendent in St. Francis, Blake had the honor of serving as Superintendent of the Northern Ozaukee School District Principal at New Berlin West Middle/High School, known for exemplary student achievement, and Brown Deer Middle School, a recognized leader in closing achievement gaps. Blake’s strengths are his ability to foster collective and collaborative opportunities for the district, students, staff, and the community to ensure alignment with district goals and excellent outcomes for students.
Prior to joining SitelogIQ, Blake was a Senior Business Consultant at Unesco, Inc., a program management firm with a combined 1,300 years of planning, design, engineering and construction experience that has implemented over $1.2 billion in educational facility improvements for more than 100 K-12 school districts throughout the Upper Midwest.
Blake received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in Physical Education, Health, and Adaptive Physical education. He later received his Master of Arts from Marian University in Educational Leadership and his Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a Superintendent of Schools.Garrett J. Lewis currently serves as the Vice President of Business Development at SitelogIQ, Public Sector Division. In this role, Garrett works with the SitelogIQ Regional Business Development Directors, on go-to-market strategies and client engagement tactics. Additionally, Garrett leads the Public Sector marketing activities, public affairs and government relations initiatives.
Garrett joined SitelogIQ in 2015 to lead development efforts in the Pennsylvania public school market. He was influential in the development and refinement of hybrid construction methodologies, including the use of the Guaranteed Energy Savings Acts in combination with design-bid-build construction to accomplish public school renovation programs. Garrett was instrumental in the 2016 Statutory Amendment to the Pennsylvania Public Construction Code. This effort allowed Public Agencies across the state access to private-sector type methodologies such as, design-build method. In 2017, he transitioned to a Project Executive role, working to develop and support project delivery for more than $200 million of public K-12 school design and construction projects. In recognition of his contributions to the success and growth of the company, Garrett was promoted to Vice President of Hybrid Construction Services at SitelogIQ East in 2019.
His efforts also include the expansion of SitelogIQ’s Master Facility Planning and Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Planning deliverables to the Pennsylvania Public School Market.
Garrett is a 2012 graduate of the University of Maryland – College Park.We accept Purchase Orders -
09:05 - 10:30
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 09:05 07/22/2020 10:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Bullying and the Covid-19 Impact How has Covid-19 Impacted Bullying Las VegasBobby Kipper is recognized as a national expert and best-selling author in the areas of school and community safety. He currently serves as the executive director of the National Center for Prevention of Community Violence. In addition, he is a school safety and discipline specialist with the Virginia Department of Education. Mr. Kipper served 26 years in police service in Newport News Virginia and was active as a school resource officer and school police supervisor.
Bobby Kipper began his career with the Newport News Police Department in 1977. During his 26-year career, he served in the areas of patrol, investigations, media relations, and as executive assistant to the Chief of Police. Following his decorated 26 years’ service with the department, he served as the director of Virginia’s Gang Reduction Program at the Office of the Attorney General.
His expertise in the area of community and school violence prevention has been recognized by the White House, Congress, and a number of states across America. His best-selling book, “No Colors: 100 Ways to Keep Gangs from Taking Away Our Communities,” has been instrumental in developing gang reduction programs in communities across America.
His continued efforts in communities and policing have combined in his newest book released in January 2017. He teamed up with Virginia Tech professor Dr. Scott Geller which implemented Actively Caring for People (AC4P) after the Virginia Tech tragedy to promote healing and create a positive cultural change using behavioral science. Mr. Kipper worked with Dr. Geller to adapt the AC4P concept to law enforcement. This concept became a book; “Actively Caring for People Policing: Building Positive Police/Citizen Relationships.” This book is meant to work with current community policing programs using proven behavioral science methods to cultivate a more positive role in and with their communities.
In addition, he has developed and presented a number of courses with the University of North Florida, Institute of Police Technology and Management; University of Memphis, Mid-South Training Institute; and the International Association of Chiefs of Police in the key areas of prevention and organizational leadership. His current best-selling book, “Performance Driven Thinking,” is serving as a new direction for public safety leadership in America.
Bobby has been awarded with the F.B.I. Director’s Award for the fight against crime in America. In addition, during his police career he was recognized on three separate occasions with the Outstanding Contribution to Law Enforcement Award.- New opportunities for cyber existence
- Online learning creates more students in cyberspace
- Online learning also opens the market for new users “rookies online”
- Virtual learning can create the ease for cyber navigation
- Students can now experience an increase in down time “too much time on their hands”
- The impact of social isolation on cyberbullying
Social isolation can lead to:- Feelings of anxiety / bullies and victims
- Feelings of a loss of control / bullies and victims
- Feeling a need for power / bullies
- Fear of missing out / bullies and victims
- Covid-19 and increased targeting
- Placing blame on situation
- Targeting based on national dialog
- Targeting based on media divide
- Targeting Asian and foreign populations
- Targeting based on financial divide
- Seven strategies to address Covid-19 cyber bullying
- Close monitoring of cyber use “don’t be a cy-stander”
- More student cyber education
- Adult supervised social cyber gathering
- Provide more facts on current situation
- Report any known abuse of cyberspace
- Adult modeling of kindness and civility
- Plan activities away from the screen
We accept Purchase Orders - New opportunities for cyber existence
09:05 - 10:30
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 09:05 07/22/2020 10:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Collaboration between schools and law enforcement in preparing for school emergencies. Las VegasDr. Lopez is currently the executive director of crisis and safety for Waukegan Public Schools. Prior to his current assignment, he worked as a school administrator for over five years. Robert has also enjoyed twenty-year career in law enforcement with assignments in patrol gang unit, investigations, SRO, D.A.R.E., and supervisory assignments including director of public safety.
Robert has published magazine articles in the area of school safety and has presented at both national and regional school safety conferences on the collaborative efforts of school and law enforcement personnel working together to create and implement school emergency management plans.The learning forum is based on my qualitative multiple case study doctoral research in the area of school emergency management readiness and the relationship between school administrators and law enforcement personnel, namely School Resource Officers (SROs). The participants in my study consisted of 3 school district level supervisors, 3 principals, 3 SRO supervisors, and 3 SROs.- The participant will analyze the current collaborative efforts between school and law enforcement personnel
- The participant will discuss and design areas of improving effective communication strategies and building trust within the interogation
- The participant will understand unconscious bias may affect the trust and relationship building process and to work through this dile
- The participants will leave with a better understanding of each other's missions, goals, and objectives in the school emergency management
- The participants will learn some tools to use in effective communication building within these interorganizational relationship
- The participants will gain a better understanding of conscious and unconsciuos bias and how to overcome these obstacles
We accept Purchase Orders -
2:30 - 3:00
Add to Calendar 2:30 3:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2022 Coffee Break Orlando, FLWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:45 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 07/21/2020 10:45 07/21/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Decision Making When It Counts Las VegasArvinder “Vinny” Ginda is affiliated with Emotional Intelligence LLC and has been conducting research on emotional intelligence for the past ten years. Along the way he has developed and presented several training courses domestically and internationally. Courses such as Effective Communications, Critical Decision Making When it Counts, How to Increase your Emotional Intelligence during a Crisis. Conflicting Conversations, etc. Also, Supervisory Special Agent Arvinder “Vinny” Ginda is currently assigned to the Sacramento FBI Office located in Sacramento, CA and is a member of the FBI Hostage Negotiation Team. He speaks four languages (Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and English) and graduated from Sacramento State University with Bachelors in Psychology, Associates Degree in Social and Behavioral Science, and Associates Degree in Criminal Justice. Vinny has experience in Domestic and International Kidnappings and also in handling hostage situations within the United States. He has taught hostage negotiations courses in the United States and several foreign countries and has traveled all over the Middle East, South East Asia, and most of North Africa conducting work related to his current professionDuring the presentation, participants will learn about research conducted in an effort to explain current adolescent behavior which often leads to anxiety, social anxiety, depression, suicide, video game addiction, attention deficit disorder and active shooter situations in schools. Participants will also learn about the possible solution that can assist students, teachers, and parents.- Understand the impact of technology on the developing brain; how it hinders learning basic coping skills that are needed to resolve everyday problems.
- Teachers will learn what skills can be applied and taught to students to assist them learning to self manage their emotions.
- Participants will learn a decision making model that can assist everyone with better decision making during difficult situations.
- Participants will learn better emotional regulation and self control in any situation.
- Participants will learn techniques how to minimize addictions.
- Participants will have a better understanding of the developing brain which will assist them how to alter their engagements for better results.
- Participants will be able to better understand, explain and apply the importance of emotional regulation.
- Participants be able to better understand and mitigate an individual who is in a state of crisis.
- Participants will be able to learn a simple decision making model which will allow them to make responsible decisions in any situations
- Participants will learn the value of effective conversations and how to influence those they are communicating with.
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10:45 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 10:45 07/22/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Responding to an Actual Violent Crisis Las VegasTrent Lovett has been an educator for over 30 years. He spent seven years in the classroom as a Math and Physics teacher prior to beginning his career in administration. Mr. Lovett served 8 years as a Middle school Principal, 4 years as the Principal of Marshall County High School and is in his 11th year as the Superintendent of the Marshall County School District.
On January 23, 2018 a tragic event forever changed the dynamics of the only school district he has ever known.On January 23, 2018 a tragic school shooting occurred at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky. Listen as Superintendent Trent Lovett describes the events of the tragic day and the steps taken in the aftermath. You will receive a first person look from not only the Superintendent, but the father of a student who was inside the school. Then listen as he describes the steps taken throughout the district over the next several days, weeks and months to help calm fears throughout the community.- First-hand Experience of a school shooting
- Steps taken in the immediate days following the event
- Preparing for the aftermath
- Steps taken for the remainder of the school year
- Steps taken to begin school the following school year
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10:45 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 10:45 07/22/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Active Shooter Presentation Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:45 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 10:45 07/22/2020 12:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Innovative Strategies to Educate about the Coronavirus while building a Team Approach based on Trusted Relationships (We are all in this together) Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 12:00 07/22/2020 01:00 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Luncheon Las VegasWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 01:00 07/22/2020 01:45 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Workshop: Revealing the Secrets of Effective Crisis Planning Las VegasDr. Sean Lawler earned his Doctor of Management Degree within the field of Homeland Security Studies from Colorado Technical University. Dr. Lawler is also a 1992 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, where he studied engineering, political science, and national security studies, and he is a graduate of Strayer University where he earned a Master of Science Degree in Business Administration. Dr. Lawler’s doctoral research and dissertation study focused upon strategies for the disruption of an active shooter event or terrorist attack upon an American school or church.
Dr. Lawler is currently a Supervisory Special Agent with the US Department of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration. As the chief of the DEA’s Aviation Division Training Department, Special Agent Lawler oversees and directs all of his division’s training events worldwide. Special Agent Lawler also serves as a DEA Tactical Instructor, Firearms Instructor, Active Shooter Instructor, and Standardization Instructor Pilot. Additionally, Special Agent Lawler is a Nationally-Registered Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) and participates in DEA’s robust tactical medic program.
Prior to joining DEA, Dr. Lawler was a Major in the US Air Force where he served as a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Case Officer, a KC-10 Aircraft Commander, a Standardization Instructor Pilot in the T-34C, and a Combat Interrogator. Dr. Lawler is currently an Air Force Academy Liaison Officer (ALO) for the Dallas/Fort Worth area where he conducts interviews of prospective candidates during the Academy’s application process.
Dr. Lawler is a school board member of Bethesda Christian School in Fort Worth. Following the attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Bethesda Christian School formed a school security advisory committee—an action whichDr. Lawler had recommended taking two years before the attack occurred. Dr. Lawler was a founding member of this security committee and his recommendations have been a large part of Bethesda’s enhanced security posture. Dr. Lawler regularly conducts academic instruction for these teachers, federal employees, and civilian contract employees, as well as realistic scenario-based training exercises designed to deter, disrupt, and defeat any violent attack upon a school, church, or federal facility.Research indicated that a large percentage of the general population does not and will not respond effectively during a life-threatening event. However, an understanding of the neurological basis of the brain’s “fight or flight” response provides clues on how to avoid the resultant “freezing” behavior. Instead, a “challenge response” must be developed through the use of scenario-based training.- Learn the neurological basis of the physiological fear response
- Understand how perceptual distortions affect cognitive processes during life-threatening events
- Understand the necessity of realistic, scenario-based training
- Learn basic emergency medical techniques to stop massive bleeding and treat for hypoperfusion (shock)
- Eliminate attitudes of denial and instead create an optimum school safety climate and culture
- Explain the neurological basis of the body’s fear response
- Describe the perceptual distortions which are often experienced during periods of extreme stress
- Identify the components of effective staff security training
- Describe tactical medical procedures to stop massive bleeding and treat for hypoperfusion (shock)
- Describe what you can do to foster “buy-in” and eliminate attitudes of denial with regard to safety and security training
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01:00 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 01:00 07/22/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 Relationships, purpose, and value: Remembering why we do what we do Las VegasJohn Calvert graduated Washburn University (Topeka, KS) in 2006 with a degree in Criminal Justice. John was the School Resource Officer for Holton, Jackson Heights, and Royal Valley school districts. After a 12 year career in Law Enforcement, John accepted a position with Kansas State Department of Education as the School Safety Specialist. John has written for Safe and Civil Schools, has presented all over the state of Kansas over a variety of school safety issues, and is a 2016 National Association of School Resource Officer’s recipient of the NASRO Practitioner Award. John is a strong believer that nothing can change without building positive relationships and believes that change in our schools should be student lead.In this session, participants will learn how empowering staff members and students to make decisions in stressful situations can improve the climate of the school. Participants will also review the importance of conducting a variety of drills and a new way to approach crisis drills.- Empower educators to make decisions during a crisis
- Conduct drills in schools differently than the "way we've always done it"
- Expand the types of drills conducted
- Empower educators to make decisions during a crisis
- Conduct drills in schools differently than the "Way we've always done it"
- Expand the types of drills conducted
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01:00 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 07/22/2020 01:00 07/22/2020 02:30 America/Los_Angeles 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020 How to build meaningful and purposeful relationships, for safer schools Las VegasJon Adkins of Newton, Kansas, has served as a member of the Newton Police Department for 12 years, the last 6 as a school resource officer.
His six years as a SRO have been served at the elementary and middle school level, with his focus currently at 5 elementary schools and Cooper Early Education Center, a preschool operated by Newton USD 373. Adkins served six years in the Army National Guard, with one deployment. He earned an Army Achievement Medal for his service.
As a National Association of School Resource Officers Practitioner, Adkins was awarded the Kansas Juvenile Officers Association Presidential SRO of the Year Award in 2017. He currently serves as vice president of the Kansas Juvenile Officers Association.Anthony Garcia of Olathe, Kansas, has served as a Police Officer for 14 years. Anthony graduated from Central Christian College of Kansas with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.
He currently serves as a School Resource Officer for the Blue Valley School District in Overland Park, Kansas which consist of 37 district buildings and approximately 27,000 students/staff. Anthony has served as an SRO for the majority of his 14-year career. He also serves on the Kansas Juvenile Officer’s Association as a Board Representative.
It is Anthony’s belief that if a student builds a positive relationship with a trusted adult, they are less likely to commit an act of violence.We accept Purchase Orders
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Forty education leaders and experts share their vision for how schools can prepare for a second wave of the Coronavirus that could hit next winter and it could be worse because it will coincide with flu season.
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- Learn How to Address All Four Phases of COVID-19 School Planning
- Learn How to Prepare for the ‘Second Wave’
- Learn the Lessons from the Current pandemic
- Join Interactive Q&As. Download Relevant Content. Chat online with Experts, and more!
Plus, On-Demand Streaming with a bonus of one year additional on-demand streaming access (until July 22, 2021).
Other topics include:
- Emergency Planning: Addressing All Four Phases of COVID-19 School Planning
- Post-First-Wave and Possible Second Wave Planning: A Component in Existing Emergency Management Plans
- Community Spread: What is the Role of Schools in Responding to a Community Spread?
- School Closure: Effects to Your Organization and Community
- Lessons from the current Pandemic
- Expand Prevention: Action Steps to Prevent the Spread of CoVID-19
- Response: Building a School-Based Crisis Team
- School-Based: Identifying Audiences and Key Messages
- Real Cases: Characteristics of a Possible Second Wave
- Recovery: Working with Stakeholders
- Continuity of Learning: Keeping the Learning Process Alive
- What to do During an Outbreak in Your Community?
- Getting Your School Ready for a Possible Second Wave
- How to Encourage Students to Stay Home if Sick
- Best Practices for Disinfecting Frequently Touched Surfaces and Objects in the Classroom
- Digital and Distance Learning
- When Students and Staff Should Return to Schools
- Ensuring Continuity of Meal Programs.
- Alternatives for Providing Essential Medical and Social Services for Students.
- How to Develop information-sharing Systems with Partners.
- Teaching and Reinforcing Healthy Hygiene Practices.
- Monitoring and Planning for Absenteeism.
- Assessing Group Gatherings and Events.
- Postponing Non-critical Gatherings and Events.
- Requiring Sick Students and Staff to Stay Home.
- Establish procedures for students and staff who are sick at school.
- Create and Test Communications Plans for Use with the School Community.
- What to do When a Confirmed Case has Entered a School?
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Implementing Multiple Social Distancing Strategies.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Canceling Field Trips, Assemblies, and Other Large Gatherings.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Dismissing Students and Most Staff.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Communicate with staff, parents, and students
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Clean and Disinfect thoroughly.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Make decisions about extending the school dismissal.
- Confirmed COVID-19 Case: Collaboration and Coordination with Local Health Officials
3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop 2020
The 3rd National Student Safety & Security Conference and Workshop will be held on July 19-22, 2020 and will feature real-world simulations of community response to school shootings and related tragedies.
It is the national event to invite leaders representing every sector of society to model a community process to help stamp out all forms of school violence, including shootings, bullying, dating violence, vandalism, gang activity, and catastrophic events such as school massacres.
In addition, special workshops will examine latest community resources to fight teenage suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and aggressive driving among high school and college students.
Compelling case studies will be presented over the 3 days of the conference, offering new important findings on headline-grabbing incidents of school violence, their cost to society, and how they have impacted local prevention, preparedness, response and recovery processes.
The tabletop exercises, skillfully moderated by risk communicators, will encourage extended audience participation and explore effective methods of communication, coordination and collaboration at the local level.
Role-Playing Topics Include:
Response: Activating the emergency response infrastructure, warning signals, student complaints, first response, protecting targets and hostages, types of violence, survival techniques, news by cell phone, regaining control, chain of command, emergency response routes, evacuation procedures, school closings, notifying parents, anticipating escalation, law enforcement information sharing, medical procedures, dealing with the media, reaction on the Internet.
Recovery: Overcoming fear of returning to class, debriefings, victim needs, survivor needs, families of offenders, call-in lines, grief counseling, health services and resources, statements to students and parents, academic support, investigation procedures, removing names, funerals and anniversaries, signals for closure, how to orient new students and their families.
Prevention: School Crime Watch, drug-free zones, gun-free zones, Zero-tolerance messages, gang apparel and student dress codes, mentoring, parent cooperation, law enforcement resources and presentations, information kits and advisories, engaging the business sector, restrictions in hallways, locker areas, bathrooms, parking lots, cafeteria and other high-risk areas.
Preparedness: What you can do right now, assessing threat and potential victims, designating crisis planning and crisis management teams, exercising the student safety plan, reviewing civil and criminal options, patrols and security systems, video monitoring, crime maps, creating a school safety who’s who, photo ID database, including private sector resources, dealing with outside threats, media relations, legislative actions, town hall meetings, releasing information, crisis kits, preparing the lines of communication, sharing best practices, taking preemptive action.
Topics To Be Covered In This Timely 3-Day Event Include:
- School Safety: A National Perspective
- Overview of Campus Violence: Stats, Reports & Studies
- Assessing the Threats: Security & Safety Risk Assessment In Campuses
- Reviewing Campus Security Infrastructure
- Preventing Violence By Making Your University A Place of Safety & Nurturing
- Preventing Violence By Bringing Help to Troubled Students
- Creating Solid Yet Flexible Emergency Response Plans
- Emergency Management Team
- Testing Your Emergency Response Plans
- Responding To An Actual Violent Crisis
- Crisis Communication
- Calling In Emergency Management Experts
- Lockdowns
- Legal Issues
- Case Studies: Learning From the Tough Times to Draw Up Solid Plans
- Recovering From A Crisis
- Dealing With The Constraints
In response to the nationwide alarm over youth violence in our schools, the National Student Safety & Security Conference and Workshop Conference invites high school and university administrators, campus security officers, mental health professionals, emergency management experts, first responders and law enforcers, as well other experts to meet July 19-20, 2020 in Las Vegas. Our purpose is to create an ad hoc multi-sector crisis management consortium during the event, to be studied as a model by communities around the country.
Speakers will help attendees develop effective action plans that are unique to their own communities and engage the widest range of local stakeholders to make our high schools and college campuses safe and secure — the way learning environments really should be.
The National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop is organized by Syllabusx, Virginia, international specialists in emergency planning events and disaster recovery conferences.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Concurrent Breakout Session #1
- School Crime Watch
- Drug-Free Zones
- Gun-Free Zones
- Zero-Tolerance Messages
Concurrent Breakout Session #2
- Gang Apparel & Student Dress Codes
- Mentoring
- Parent Cooperation
Concurrent Breakout Session #3
- Law Enforcement Resources & Presentations
Concurrent Breakout Session #4
- Information Kits & Advisories
- Engaging the Business Sector
Concurrent Breakout Session #5
- Restrictions in Hallways Locker Areas Bathrooms Parking lots
- Cafeteria & Other High-Risk Areas
Concurrent Breakout Session #6
- Bullying and Violence Prevention
Concurrent Breakout Session #7
- Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Prevention and Early Intervention
Concurrent Breakout Session #8
- Prevention through Information
Concurrent Breakout Session #9
- Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety
Concurrent Breakout Session #10
- What You Can Do Right Now
- Assessing Threat & Potential Victims
- Exercising the Student Safety Plan
- Reviewing Civil & Criminal Options
Concurrent Breakout Session #11
- Patrols & Security Systems
- Video Monitoring
- Taking Preemptive Action
- Crime Maps
Concurrent Breakout Session #12
- Creating a School Safety Who’s Who
- Photo ID Database Including Private Sector Resources
- Dealing with Outside Threats
Concurrent Breakout Session #13
- Releasing Information
- Media Relations
- Crisis Kits
- Preparing the Lines of Communication
Concurrent Breakout Session #14
- Legislative Actions
- Town Hall Meetings
- Sharing Best Practices
Concurrent Breakout Session #15
- Designating Crisis Planning and Crisis Management Teams
Concurrent Breakout Session #16
- Plan for Natural and Man-Made Disasters
- Trauma-Sensitive Schools
- Standardize Emergency Response Procedures
Concurrent Breakout Session #17
- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Schools
Concurrent Breakout Session #18
- Security & Safety Risk Assessment in Campuses
Concurrent Breakout Session #19
- Activating the Emergency Response Infrastructure
- Warning Signals
- First Response
Concurrent Breakout Session #20
- Student Complaints
- Protecting targets & Hostages
Concurrent Breakout Session #21
- Types of Violence
- Survival Techniques
Concurrent Breakout Session #22
- News by Cell Phone
Concurrent Breakout Session #23
- Regaining Control
- Chain of Command
- Emergency Response Routes
Concurrent Breakout Session #24
- Evacuation Procedures
- School Closings
- Notifying Parents
- Anticipating Escalation
Concurrent Breakout Session #25
- Law Enforcement Information Sharing
- Medical Procedures
- Dealing with the Media
- Reaction on the Internet
Concurrent Breakout Session #26
- Building a School-Based Crisis Team
Concurrent Breakout Session #27
- Media Relations Crisis
- Communications and News & Information
Concurrent Breakout Session #28
- Campus Emergency Response Team Program
Concurrent Breakout Session #29
- Incident Command System: The Transition From Routine Day to Day Operations to Effective Management Control
Concurrent Breakout Session #30
- Overcoming Fear of Returning to Class
- Debriefings
Concurrent Breakout Session #31
- Victim Needs
- Survivor Needs
- Families of Offenders
Concurrent Breakout Session #32
- Call-in Lines
- Grief Counseling
- Health Services & Resources
- Statements to Students & Parents
Concurrent Breakout Session #33
- Academic Support
- Investigation Procedures
- Removing Names
Concurrent Breakout Session #34
- Funerals & Anniversaries
- Signals for Closure
- How to Orient New Students & their Families
Concurrent Breakout Session #35
- Working with Students Families Staff Friends and the School Community
Concurrent Breakout Session #36
- School Site Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Members/Roles
Concurrent Breakout Session #37
- Planning for Recovery in the Preparedness Phase & How to Keep the Learning Process Alive
Concurrent Breakout Session #38
- Providing Stress Management During Class Time
Concurrent Breakout Session #39
Real Cases
- Improving Student Safety
- Dealing with Rumors and/or Acts of Vandalism That Might Precede Incidents
Concurrent Breakout Session #40
Real Cases
- Step-by-Step Process on How to Get Community & Government Officials Involved into Supporting Crisis Response Team
Concurrent Breakout Session #41
Real Cases
- Mechanical Accidents/Disasters
- School Bus Safety & Security
Concurrent Breakout Session #42
Real Cases
- Drills and Exercises Using Best Practices
- Bomb Threats, Suicide, Community Violence
Concurrent Breakout Session #43
Real Cases
- Domestic Conflict & Child Abuse, Hostage
- Situation in a Classroom & Responding to a Student in Crisis
- Dealing Effectively with the Media
Concurrent Breakout Session #44
Real Cases
- Gunman in School
Concurrent Breakout Session #45
Real Cases
- How Do Emergency Communications Work?
- Better Ways of Getting the Message out to Students
Concurrent Breakout Session #46
Best Practices
- Conducting School Safety Audits
- Conduct School Safety and Security Threat Assessments
- Create a Threat Assessment Team in the University Environment
Concurrent Breakout Session #47
Best Practices
- Setting and Enforcing Standards
Concurrent Breakout Session #48
Best Practices
- Incident Specific Protocol
Concurrent Breakout Session #49
Legal Issues
- What is Permissible to be Shared with Others without Violating Confidentiality Law?
School Shooting
- Gunman in School & Active Shooter Preparedness
Who should Attend this Conference?
- Chief of Police, Fire, EMS
- Crisis Team Manager
- Dean of Students
- Director of Facilities
- Director of Public Safety Services
- Law Enforcement Officers
- Prevention Specialists
- Safe and Drug-Free Coordinators
- School Board Members
- School Health Educators
- School Nurses
- School Principals and Administrators
- School Psychologists
- School Resource Officers
- School Security Personnel
- School Social Workers
- Student Affairs
- Teachers
- University Police