National Student Safety & Security Conference & Workshop
Co-located Events

Richard Egan
Training and Outreach Facilitator | Office of Suicide Prevention Division of Public and Behavioral Health

08:00 - 09:00
Add to Calendar 08:00 09:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Registration & Breakfast Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 09:35
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 09:00 04/24/2024 09:35 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Heartware and Hardware: Building Relationships Between Student Mental Health, School Resources Officers and Student Transporters to Make Schools Safer Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:35 - 10:10
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 09:35 04/24/2024 10:10 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Strategic School Safety Leadership: Security and Emergency Preparedness in Uncertain times Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:10- 10:40
Add to Calendar 10:10- 10:40 America/Los_Angeles Coffee BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:40 - 11:15
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 10:40 04/24/2024 11:15 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Preventing School Violence: Improving School Security to Protect the K-12 Community Wyndham Lake Buena VistaCommunications Program Specialist, School Safety Task ForceWe accept Purchase Orders -
11:15- 12:00
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 11:15- 12:00 04/24/2024 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) and Law Enforcement Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calendar 12:00 01:00 America/Los_Angeles Luncheon BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:00 04/24/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:00 04/24/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles School Resource Officers Congress The Role of SRO Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:00 04/24/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles America's School Bus Congress School Buses & Active Threats Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:00 04/24/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles School Resource Officers Congress Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:50 04/24/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Enhancing School Safety through Drills and Exercises Wyndham Lake Buena VistaEmergency Preparedness Administrator, Office of Emergency ManagementWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:50 04/24/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going: School Safety Best Practices, including Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:50 04/24/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles School Resource Officers Congress The Kentucky Office of the State School Security Marshal Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 01:50 04/24/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles School Resource Officers Congress Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
02:35 - 03:00
Add to Calendar 02:35 03:00 America/Los_Angeles Coffee BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 03:00 04/24/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) and Law Enforcement Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 03:00 04/24/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress Relationships, Purpose and Value: Remembering Why We Do What We Do Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 03:00 04/24/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles School Resource Officers Congress The Kentucky Office of the State School Security Marshal Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/24/2024 03:00 04/24/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Deeper Dive on Strategic School Safety Leadership: Security and Emergency Preparedness in Uncertain Times Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders
08:00 - 09:00
Add to Calendar 08:00 09:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Registration & Breakfast Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 09:05
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 09:00 04/25/2024 09:05 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Welcome Remarks Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:05 - 09:40
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 09:05 04/25/2024 09:40 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress State of Florida Suicide Prevention with Youth Focus Wyndham Lake Buena VistaTraining and Outreach Facilitator | Office of Suicide Prevention Division of Public and Behavioral HealthWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:40 - 10:15
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 09:40 04/25/2024 10:15 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Past Incidents to Guide Our Preparations Wyndham Lake Buena Vista
We accept Purchase Orders -
10:15 - 10:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 10:15 04/25/2024 10:45 America/Los_Angeles Coffee BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:45 - 11:25
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 10:45 04/25/2024 11:25 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference The Troubling Legal Gap in Schools’ Ability to Prevent Mass Shootings Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
11:25 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 11:25 04/25/2024 12:00 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress The School Nurse’s Role in Disaster Preparedness and Response Wyndham Lake Buena VistaSubject Matter Expert, Disaster PreparednessWe accept Purchase Orders -
12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calendar 12:00 01:00 America/Los_Angeles Luncheon BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:00 04/25/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles America's School Bus Congress TSA Considerations for Schools and School Bus Transportation Security Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00- 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:00- 01:45 04/25/2024 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Humanware and/or Hardware- What School Safety Message do You Wear? Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:00 04/25/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Solutions for Addressing the Changing Trends of School Violence in America Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 01:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:00 04/25/2024 01:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Responding to an Actual Violent Crisis Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:50 04/25/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress The School Nurse’s Role in Disaster Preparedness and Response- Readiness Wyndham Lake Buena VistaSubject Matter Expert, Disaster PreparednessWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50- 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:50- 02:30 04/25/2024 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference How to Respond to a Fatal School Bus/Van Wreck and What to Expect on a Scene Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:50 04/25/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress Culture and Climate: The Overlooked Components in School Safety Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:50 - 02:30
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 01:50 04/25/2024 02:30 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference When the Wolf Comes Knocking at your School House Door, Will you be Ready? Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
02:35 - 03:00
Add to Calendar 02:35 03:00 America/Los_Angeles Coffee BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 03:00 04/25/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress The School Nurse’s Role in Disaster Preparedness and Response- Response Wyndham Lake Buena VistaSubject Matter Expert, Disaster PreparednessWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 03:00 04/25/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference These are Not Your Bullies Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 03:00 04/25/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress Internet & Social Media Influence on Suicides over the Past Decade has it Caused Isolation Wyndham Lake Buena VistaTraining and Outreach Facilitator | Office of Suicide Prevention Division of Public and Behavioral HealthWe accept Purchase Orders -
03:00 - 03:45
Add to Calendar 04/25/2024 03:00 04/25/2024 03:45 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Utilizing Lessons Learned from an Actual Event to Enhance Your Safety Planning Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders
08:00 - 09:00
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 08:00 04/26/2024 09:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference BreakfastWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 10:30
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 09:00 04/26/2024 10:30 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference The Pier De Escalation Model for Educators Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
09:00 - 10:30
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 09:00 04/26/2024 10:30 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress The School Nurse’s Role in Disaster Preparedness and Response Wyndham Lake Buena VistaSubject Matter Expert, Disaster PreparednessWe accept Purchase Orders -
10:30 - 11:00
Add to Calendar 10:30 11:00 America/Los_Angeles Coffee BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
11:00 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 11:00 04/26/2024 12:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Responding to an Actual Violent Crisis Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
11:00 - 12:00
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 11:00 04/26/2024 12:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Innovative Strategies to Build Relationships Between Student Mental Health, School Resource Officers and Student Transporters Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
12:00 - 01:00
Add to Calendar 12:00 01:00 America/Los_Angeles Luncheon BreakWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 02:00
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 01:00 04/26/2024 02:00 America/Los_Angeles National Student Safety & Security Conference Lessons Learned, Lessons Not Learned: Insider Insights from 30 Years of School Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Missteps, What Really Works, and Tomorrow’s Threats to School Safety! Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders -
01:00 - 02:00
Add to Calendar 04/26/2024 01:00 04/26/2024 02:00 America/Los_Angeles Student Mental Health Congress From Survive to Thrive! How to stay calm, positive and healthy in today’s educational environment Wyndham Lake Buena VistaWe accept Purchase Orders